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Musings on a Cultural Strategy Toolkit
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This body of work is for people who are deeply interested in how culture lays the foundation for liberation.

The Idea Behind the Toolkit
The 4 Considerations
Fellowship Time & Space

This Cultural Strategy Toolkit can help you navigate and explore four elements through high-level questions that you can return to again and again. They are starting points for conversations with yourself and in relation to others.

They aren’t a cultural strategy – they can help you create one.

The Toolkit
Social Relations refers to the structures and values that guide a collective of people.
  • What are potential systemic outgrowths from local community?

  • What deems a community? What are the tangible examples of interconnectedness?

  • What is valued? How do we understand value?

  • What are measures of accountability? To whom? Why?

  • What mechanism for living and learning rely on generational engagement? Where and how does this happen?

  • What modes of communication with self and others are recognized and accessible?

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Social Relations
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Economic structure invites us to think about how resources are distributed.
  • What is the relationship to property and private ownership?

  • Who owns/determines the means of production?

  • Who authorizes/makes possible for people to care for self, loved ones
    and live a life that feels purposeful?

  • What types of labor are visible, valued and compensated?

  • How do we build a reparatory relationship with the Earth?

  • Is there exploitation present? If so, who and why?

Economic System
History is an important component because it doesn't let us only move forward without a reckoning of past injustices and other cultural influences.
  • What are key moments in history that have shifted means of production and social reproduction?

  • When reviewing any canon with a race, class, power analysis, what voices are missing?

  • What does that mean about how people engage with each other?

  • How are people able to engage, given the systems and structures that govern their society?

  • What role has violence, coercion, and complicity played in development and maintenance of the conditions?

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To have imagination as an element for cultural strategy is asking to keep boundaries fluid and make room for complexity and multiplicities.
  • What do you believe is impossible and why?

  • How do you know when it is time to pivot or reimagine?

  • How does what we imagine shift current oppressive material conditions?

  • What is an active engagement with Nature and other living beings that goes beyond “do no harm?

  • How is imagination given space in all sectors of living, not just the creative industrustries?

  • What is centralized in our living?


Created by Sage Crump as a part of The Opportunity Agenda’s Creative Change Innovation Fellowship, supported in part by the Pop Culture Collaborative.

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